Especially since--wait for it, wait for it--it's rained every single day.
So two of my friends and I decided we would make an expedition to Lugo's mall, because it's dry, warm, and most importantly: has a McDonald's.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of the golden arches, or any other kind of fast food. It's poor quality, it's unhealthy, it promotes a mode of eating that is awful for the environment and the living creatures in it...I could go on.
However, I believe that at some point in every expat American's life, the urge for a Big Mac dripping grease, pickles, wilted lettuce, and mayo (I don't even like mayo!) will become too strong to resist. So we stopped resisting.
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go America! |
1. When we all got a little agoraphobic in the WalMart equivalent, Eroski (Spanish malls have these). How on earth am I going to re-acclimate to life in America, if even walking past a store that sells groceries and books and t-shirts and bicycles and lawn chairs makes me all freaked-out and uncomfortable?
2. I've been watching a lot of How I Met Your Mother recently, so I will leave you with this timeless classic, which I sang all day*:
*Note: highlight for me, probably a lowlight for my long-suffering friends.
Ahaha. I love the title of this post.